• All photos by courtesy of SuperHeadz INa Babylon.



    We obtain various information through publications, such as manga, novels, magazines, photo books, and newspapers. In the process, various contracts related to publications are concluded between publishers and manga artists, novelists, photographers, reporters and others. Nowadays, contracts for electronic and translated publications are also becoming increasingly important, partly due to progress of digitization. We draft, review and negotiate for and on behalf of our clients, by considering contents, use and business models of each publication.

    In addition, secondary or derivative uses of publications such as animations, movie adaptations, merchandizing relate to not only publication and licensing agreements, but also production committee agreements and merchandizing agreements. We provide legal support in contract matters and various business advice based on our knowledge and experience in handling numerous cases involving secondary use.
    Recently, unauthorized distribution of published works on the Internet are depriving creators of their remunerations. Under the slogan of "For the Arts," we draft warning letters and file lawsuits alleging copyright infringement and various countermeasures against piracy.
