• All photos by courtesy of SuperHeadz INa Babylon.


    Live Events

    Live events include concerts, plays, musicals, dance, classical performing arts and comedies, as well as festivals, theme parks, seminars, trade fairs, and comic markets (comiket).

    While the major players and business structures share some commonalities, each field is quite unique. Our clients include event promoters, production companies, event halls, theaters, live houses, theater companies, dance companies, music bands/groups, traditional performing arts companies, musicians, actors, dancers, staff and their offices, event planning divisions of broadcasting companies, stage productions and staff companies.

    Our legal services in this sector include (1) advice, drafting and review of schemes for stage and production contracts, co-production contracts, contracts for or with scriptwriters, musicians, and choreographers, and performance and various staff contracts, (2) advice and preparation of tour contracts for Broadway musicals and other overseas stages and talents, licensing contracts for overseas stages by Japanese casts, negotiation and contract review of commissioning contracts for overseas casts and crews, overseas business of Japanese theatre companies, (3)stage adaptation of movies, manga, anime and games, and use of elements (e.g., models, company names, logos), (4) taxation, including international withholding tax, visas and entry permits, (5) legal affairs for tickets, including cancellation, postponement and refunds, and countermeasures against high price resale, (6) practical advice on handling accidents and problems with respect to venues, workers' compensation and insurance, (7) construction and temporary facilities, use of roads and parks, provision of foods and drinks, and handling of the entertainment business laws, and (8) all-around support including live streaming, live viewing, broadcasting, and secondary use including digital archive.
